Making sense of my thoughts

by , on
Mar 15, 2017

I have 2 hours to spare on my flight to Rome from Paris. So here I am again, finding time to put my thoughts into words. It’s been a rocky few weeks, struggling with insecurities. Drowning in worry of the uncertainty that lies ahead. Giving power to negative thoughts as positive ones were seemingly way out of reach.

Ciao Roma!

by , on
Mar 14, 2017

Hello from Rome, Italy! I’m here with FRESH BEAUTY SINGAPORE to find out more about the origins their #umbrianclay mask. It’s pretty cool going behind the scenes of the process. I’ll be sharing more across the next couple of days but for now, here’s a visual diary of my first day here.


Santa Monica Pier

by , on
Feb 17, 2017

Santa Monica Pier was a magical as I remembered it to be. I first came here when I was 14 and I’ve dreamt about about revisiting it since. I found myself digging through my coin pouch for enough quarters for a cotton candy.

Of Forever Goodbyes

by , on
Jan 25, 2017

If you’re looking to read a cheery piece, please scroll beyond this post.


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